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Peter is a renowned trainer and also writes weekly accounting articles for the Lucubrate Magazine targeting 18-24s and TVET. To date, he has written 30 articles and now writes about IAS/IFRS accounting standards at an advanced level. He addresses the academic needs of TVET and entrepreneurs.

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Fundamentals of Accounting

This syllabus for recording financial transactions introduces the student to the fundamentals of preparing and recording financial documentation from originating documents and processing ledger transactions up to the trial balance stage. Modeled after the ACCA (Association of chartered certified accountants) foundation program syllabus, these are live, instructor-led, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. The program could also be of great interest to entrepreneurs/small businesses, students interested in TVET (technical and vocational education and training) curriculums or individuals looking to become certified as a CAT (ACCA, Certified Accounting Technician). https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6658838271394742272/

Dr. Kevin Kelly PhD, ACMA, Author | Investment Manager | Data Analyst(linkedin.com/in/kevinjosephkelly):

As expected, Peter Welch does an excellent job explaining why ‘Online Accounting 101 Foundations Training (Global)’ should be considered the essential first step in any accounting or finance career. And it’s not just absolute beginners, students of business, or the investment management novice that stand to gain a lot from taking this course; any non-financial manager or entrepreneur can potentially benefit.

Gareth John Executive Chairman and Director of Accountancy Training College:

One of the biggest trends I have seen over the last few years is the increasing proportion of school-leavers that make up many of my clients intakes. With many employers finding that ‘relevant graduates’ lack basic knowledge and skills in accounting fundamentals, not having a degree is no barrier to a successful career in accountancy and finance.

Views: 536

Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
Lucubrate Magazine is a global based on the web magazine with the main office in Norway.

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